O apresentador humorista do programa “CQC” da rede de TV Band, Rafinha Bastos estará na próxima edição da revista “Rolling Stone.”
O humorista está causando muita polêmica por causa da entrevista pela foto que ilustra a reportagem, posando de Jesus Cristo.
“A religosidade sempre foi um dos temas que eu gostei de abordar. Poder fazer isso de uma forma tão representativa e para uma revista tão forte, eu tô com muito orgulho disso que a gente fez.”
Data: 9/5/2011 Fonte: The Chritstian Post
The comedian presenter of the "CQC" Network TV Band, Rafinha Bastos is the next edition of Rolling Stone. "
The humorist is causing much controversy because of the interview by the picture that illustrates the story, posing as Jesus Christ.
"The religosidade always been one of the themes I like to address. Being able to do it one way and as representative for a magazine so strong, I'm very proud that we did. "
Date: 05/09/2011
Source: The Post Chritstian
The humorist is causing much controversy because of the interview by the picture that illustrates the story, posing as Jesus Christ.
"The religosidade always been one of the themes I like to address. Being able to do it one way and as representative for a magazine so strong, I'm very proud that we did. "
Date: 05/09/2011
Source: The Post Chritstian
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